
conservation importance中文什么意思

发音:   用"conservation importance"造句
  • 存护价值
  • 存护重要性
  • conservation:    n. 1.保存,维持(健康),保守;保护;保护森林[河道 ...
  • importance:    n. 1.重要性。 2.重要地位,显著,有力。 3.骄傲 ...
  • be of importance:    对…很重要
  • importance:    n. 1.重要性。 2.重要地位,显著,有力。 3.骄傲,自大。 a matter of great importance重大事情。 a matter of no importance 无关紧要的事。 a position of importance重要地位。 be conscious of one's importance 自己觉得了不起,自高自大。 speak with an air of importance带着傲慢的态度讲话。 attach importance to 重视。
  • of importance:    重要,具有重要意义; 重要,具有重要意义
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. In hong kong to identify and prioritize species and habitats sites of conservation importance
  2. 8 . 7 the cts - 3 transport development scenarios have protected areas of conservation importance through the avoidance of ecologically valuable areas identified as constraints in the study
    8 . 7本研究所建议的运输发展方案都避免触及具生态价值的地点,以保护重要的环境保护区。
  3. Tung chung stream has been identified as one of hong kongs most ecologically important streams which supports more than 20 indigenous species of freshwater fish as well as many species of conservation importance
  4. In fact , it is also unclear whether the proposed doubling of ecological functions can be achieved throughout the year or just in winter , and if it is for all species of conservation importance including otters or just for a few large waterbirds . 2 . 3



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